Enterpryze Widget

Enterpryze is a cloud Business Management Platform and with the help of the Enterpryze Widget in OnePageCRM, users can quickly and easily review Transaction feeds connected to contacts saved in the CRM.

Please note:

  • You need an Enterpryze account to connect it to OnePageCRM.
  • Only Account Owner or Administrators can configure and manage the integration.

Enable/Disable the Enterpryze Widget

Before you are able to connect your Enterpryze account to OnePageCRM for the first time, you need to request API access from the Enterpryze Support Team. Once granted, they will send you an email providing you with an API Username and API Password to add to OnePageCRM.

You can use the following template to request API access from the Enterpryze Support Team via email (support@enterpryze.com).

Hi there,
Can you please enable the API Access for my Enterpryze account?
Thank you.

Click on your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → select Apps and Integrations under Financial Apps click on Enterpryze → click on Install.

Apps and Integration page l Enterpryze

On the Configuration tab add the API Username and API Password to their respective fields → click Connect to Enterpryze.

Enterpryze integration page l Connect button

Find/Use the Enterpryze Widget

Open a contactscroll down to the Enterpryze widget above the Contact Timeline → click on it to expand.

Click on the Enterpryze widget to expand it.

Once expanded it will display:
  • Date - Date and time when the Transaction was recorded.
  • Description - Type and the number of the Transaction, with the link to this Transaction in your Enterpryze account.
  • Amount - The total amount of the Transaction.
  • Expanded Enterpryze widget, displays Date, Amount and Description, including a URL link.


    • The most recent 20 Transactions are displayed by default. Click on the Show More button to load another 20.
    • The Enterpryze widget shows contact-specific data for up to 10 email addresses saved for the contact.

    Types of transactions displayed:

    • Leads (no amount value)
    • Sales Reserve Invoice
    • Service Calls
    • Incoming Payment
    • Sales Credit Note
    • Sales Delivery
    • Sales Invoice
    • Sales Order
    • Sales Return
    • Outgoing Payment
    • Purchase Credit Note
    • Purchase Deliveries
    • Purchase Invoice
    • Purchase Order
    • Purchase Return
    • Sales Quote
    • Goods Receipt
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