Does OnePageCRM have an API?

OnePageCRM provides an API to allow users to connect OnePageCRM to other apps or software such as web forms with which there is no direct integration. 

An API (Application Programming Interface) is used by developers to build integrations between OnePageCRM and other services. It requires a level of technical knowledge to use, so should only be used by developers or engineers in your team. OnePageCRM provides all the documentation required to use the API.

Please note:

  • You will need to have Software Engineering or the relevant IT experience in order to set this up.
  • If you require support for our API or Webhooks, please contact our Development team directly on our Developer Forum.

Find OnePageCRM's API

In OnePageCRM click on your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → select Apps and Integrations under Utilities click on API.

Apps and Integration page l API

Under the Configuration tab you can find:
  • Endpoint URL
  • User ID
  • API Key - click to expand and display the API key
  • Webhooks configuration page l Configuration tab

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