How to reset your password

If you forget your password you can request a password reset. When you do this a verification code will be displayed and you will also receive an email with the link to reset your password. Please follow the steps below. 

Select  Forgot your password? on the login page.

OnePageCRM l Login page

Enter the email address associated with your OnePageCRM → Select  Reset Password.

OnePageCRM l Reset Password

A verification code will be generated → Select the copy icon to copy this code.

OnePageCRM l Verification code


  • We recommend keeping this tab open for easy access to the code.
  • If the Two-factor authentication is enabled for your account, you will not receive the Verification code and will need to enter your Authenticator code in step 5 instead.
Go to your email account and open the email with the subject line Reset your password sent from

In this email, select the Reset password button.

Email received in your email client from OnePageCRM.


  • If the button is not working for you please copy and paste the provided URL link, below the button, into your browser.
  • If you do not receive a password reset email within a few minutes, you may have put in an email address that is not associated with a OnePageCRM account. We suggest trying again, with your known login email address. 
A new tab will open to change your password. Once completed select Set new password.

  • New Password - Enter your new password
  • Confirm - Enter the same password to confirm it
  • Verification Code - Paste/Enter your Verification Code
  • OnePageCRM l Set new password

    Note: If the Two-factor authentication is enabled for your account you need to enter your Authenticator code instead. If you have lost your device, please see here how to proceed.

    OnePageCRM l Set new password with 2fa enabled.

    Log into your account with your newly created password.
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