Importing contacts from Highrise
Using our direct Highrise import tool, you can transfer your contacts from Highrise CRM into your OnePageCRM account in a few simple steps.
Go to your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → Import and Export → Highrise Import from file.
If you have not yet connected your Highrise Account enter your Highrise details → click Next.
Highrise URL - You can find this by going to Highrise and copying the first section of the Highrise URL from your browser address bar.
API token - You can find this by logging into Highrise → Accounts settings (Settings for Highrise sub-user → My info → Integrations → Authentication token.
Under Step 1 Select Contacts select groups to be imported → Next.
Under Step 2 Map fields map your Highrise Fields to the fields in your OnePageCRM account → click Next.
Custom Fields from Highrise are mapped with Custom Fields in OnePageCRM.
Single text line Custom Fields with the same name are mapped automatically.
Custom Fields with a different name and type need to be mapped manually.
Under 3 Preferences select Status, Tags, and Next Actions for all imported contacts as required → click Next.
Under Step 4 Import confirm the details of the Highrise import → click Start import.
Once the import is successful you will receive an email confirmation to notify you that the Highrise import is ready.
- OnePageCRM allows you to import both companies and people from Highrise. In Highrise when a person is created with a company name, a company is created automatically as a separate entity.
- If Highrise contacts have assigned tasks already then the Next Action you set under Step 3 Preferences will only be assigned to contacts in Highrise without a task associated with them.
- Contacts are not imported when:
- Contacts have no Last name or Organization (Company) name.
- Contact/deal/task is private and not visible to you.
- Contacts have already been imported in the past.
- The user who completed an import can undo it within 24 hours. To undo go to your User/Profile icon → Import and Export → scroll down to Import / Export history section and click Undo import.