How to Split a contact from an organization

If a contact is no longer working in an organization, you have the option to split them from it. When you split a contact you're essentially moving them out of the organization. You can move the contact to a new or existing organization or keep the contact independent from any company. 

How to split a contact from an organization

Open the contact you wish to split → click on the arrow in the Organization view icon.

In the Organization view pop up, select the Options menu (three dots) → click Split.

In the  Split contact from this organization pop-up type name of the new organization to which the contact belongs or leave blank if contact is not working in any organization → Save.


  • You can only split one contact at a time.
  • The contact must have an organization name in order to split it from its organization.
  • If you type a non-existent organization in the test field, it will be created as new. If you type an existing organization, the contact will be moved under it.
  • When you split a contact from one organization into a new or existing one, the contact and its fields don't change, however, any organization fields will be inherited from the new company

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