How to star a contact in OnePageCRM

In OnePageCRM if you have contacts that are of high priority you have the option to star them. Your starred contacts can be accessed by all users from the Star filter on the menu on the left-hand side of your Action Stream/ Contacts tab. 

In this article:
How to star a contact How to remove the star from a contact
How to star and remove star in bulk Where to find your starred contacts
How to find contacts starred by other users

How to star a contact

Click on the star icon beside the contact name the star icon will become orange. 

How to remove the star from a contact

Deselect the orange star icon beside the contact name → the star icon will become white.

How to star and remove star in bulk

Select the contacts you want to star or the contacts to which you want to remove the star.
In the Bulk updates bar choose one of the following options:
  • Add Star
  • Remove Star

Where to find your starred contacts

All starred contacts you've starred will be found under the Starred filter. You can find contacts you own or contacts that have a Next Action assigned to you in the Just me option of the filter, and the All option will show you all contacts you've starred regardless of whether you own the contact or have a Next Action assigned to you. 

The Starred filter will only show you contacts you've starred. To find contacts that other users have starred, you will have to use Advanced Search. See here.

Note: The star icon for all starred contacts is orange.

How to find contacts starred by other users

Open the Filter search and select Star  is selected by → select user → Run.

Note: You can also run an Advanced search for contacts not starred by a user, to do this you must choose the option "is not selected by" in the Advanced Search.

You can type a name for the Advanced search to save it as a filter for later use in the "Save search as a filter" field.


  • Each user can star their own contacts. This means that if you star a contact, the star will not be visible to any other user. 
  • Focused Users can only star and view contacts that they own as these are the only visible contacts for them.
  • When you export contacts the starring will not be shown in the export file.
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