How to export deals from OnePageCRM

Exporting your Deals gives you greater visibility for in-depth analysis, so in OnePageCRM you can export your Pending and Closed Deals in a CSV or Excel file. 

You have the option to export your Deals from the Deal List on the Pipeline page so once you've identified the Deals you need, simply export them. Take a look below at the steps for exporting your deals.

If you're looking to export your contacts, see here.

In this article:
Export Deals from the Import and Export page
Export Deals from the Pipeline
When to export deals?

Export Deals from the Import and Export page 

Click on your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → Import and Export → under Export select Deals Export to file.

Import & Export Page, click on Deals Export to file.

Under Export deals to CSV / excel file select your export options from the dropdowns:
  • Dataset
    • Pending deals
    • Closed deals (Won or Lost)
  • Pipeline
    • If there is only 1 pipeline available in the CRM, this will be selected by default.
  • Format
    • CSV
    • Excel

Export options for deals.

Once selected click Export → on completion, the contacts are downloaded to your computer and saved as:
  • onepagecrm_deals.csv
  • onepagecrm_deals.xls
  • Export Deals from the Pipeline page

    In your Pipeline view, scroll down to Deal List. 
    Select your export options from the dropdowns:
    • Show
      • Pending
      • Won
      • Lost
      • Closed (Won/Lost)
      • All deals
    • Download in - by clicking on either option the export will be initiated.
      • CSV
      • Excel
    • Gear icon
      • The gear icon allows you to choose the columns displayed in the Deal list. Only the details under these columns will be exported. You can select up to max. 9 columns.

    On completion, your deals are downloaded to your computer.

    When to export deals?

    • To backup or share: Export deals if you would like a backup or if you need to share with other team members.
    • Greater visibility for further analysis: Export your deals in order to get an overview. This gives you a full analysis of all of the potential deals in your account, ensuring you’re better equipped at your sales meetings.
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