OnePageCRM Web Forms

OnePageCRM's Web Forms allow you to create your own personalized, embeddable forms for your website to collect your website visitors' information and funnel them into OnePageCRM as leads.

There are three steps to creating your Web Form:

  1. Build 
  2. Configure 
  3. Grab code or Link

Plans: OnePageCRM Web forms are available on Professional (up to 3 web forms) and Business plans (unlimited).

In this article:
Build your Web Form Configure your Web Form
Embed your Web Form Access your saved Web Forms
Publish/Unpublish saved Web Form

Build your Web Form

Go to your User Profile / Initials (in the top right-hand corner) → Select  All  Apps and Integrations.
Click on Web Forms under Lead Generation Apps.   
Under Configuration, click  + Add New.

Under Build click on Untitled Form to configure the following:
  • Title: this is the name of your web form. It will be displayed to your leads at the very top of the form.
  • Description: add here any instructions or notes that you want your leads to read before filling out the form. This short description will appear below the title.
  • Color settings: use color settings to create a custom look for your web form. All changes are instantly displayed in the web form editor.
Under Color settings you can change:
  • Background: This can be set as transparent if needed. Note: If you change the background color, please make sure that the text is visible. 
  • Border: Click None if you don't want to add a border.
  • Text color.

The button that your leads will click on to submit their details is added by default, click on the Submit button to change its properties:
  • Title
  • Color
  • Outline style: You can choose between a button with a color fill and a button with a transparent background and a visible border. Mark the Outline style checkbox for the latter. 

Your web form must contain at least one of the following fields:
  • First and Last Name
  • Organization Name
  • Email address
To add a field, click on the + icon → select the field you want to add to your web form. 
You can select OnePageCRM default fields along with any contact and organization custom fields you require. 

If you require consent from your leads, you can select the Consent field from the list.
When your lead clicks on the checkmark, their consent will be saved in the Background section of the contact details in OnePageCRM.
In OnePagegeCRM you must fill in the Last Name or  Organization to create the contact so your web form must have either  Last NameOrganization or Email address set as a Required field

You can also mark any other field you choose as required. This will make sure that your leads fill out a particular field. The required field will be marked with an asterisk (*) on the form. A warning message will be displayed to the user if they have not filled out the field.
Click on the Required field checkbox to mark a field required.  

Note: You can change the name of the field if needed. The field name will be changed only in the web form. The associated field will not be renamed in your OnePageCRM account.


  • If the Email address is the only Required field in your form, and your lead submits their email address only, the first part of the email will be automatically added to the Last name field in the OnePageCRM contact. E.g. if John Smith fills in their email address:, web forms will take the first part of the email address and add it to the Last Name field of the contact in OnePageCRM, and the Last Name of the contact in the CRM will be "smith".
  • If the custom field you add to your web form is set as mandatory in OnePageCRM, the field in the web form will be automatically marked as a Required field. However, you have the option to remove the requirement by unchecking the Required field checkbox.  Note: This will not change the setting of the mandatory field in OnePageCRM.
  • If you delete a custom field used in a web form it will not be deleted in the web form, you will need to remove this manually. If you decide not to remove the field then the data that your clients fill in for this field will be saved under the Background field of your contact. 
  • If you add, edit or remove a custom field dropdown or checkbox option, the options in the web form field will be automatically updated. 
  • The Consent field is automatically set as a Required field when selected. 
Type in your Placeholder text, if you wish.

This is an optional property that displays an example. It can provide additional information to your leads on how to fill a particular field.
Note: Placeholder text is not available for dropdown and checkbox field types.

If you make a mistake or change your mind, you can remove any field by clicking on the trash can icon

You can move the order of the fields using the dots icon on the side of the field that appears when you hover over them.
Drag up and down depending on where you want the fields to be placed.

Once you've finished, scroll to the bottom of the page, click Save & Next and move to the next steps.

Configure your Web Form

The Configure stage contains the submission and contact configuration. 

In  After submitting you can configure what happens after your leads have successfully submitted the web form.
Under  After web form is submitted you can select:
  • Go to URL: Sends your leads directly to an external URL.
    Add your preferred URL.
  • Display message: Displays the text that you specify.
    Type your preferred message below.


  • You cannot type more than 300 characters in the display message box.
In  Contact configuration you can configure how the leads who submit the web form will be added to your OnePageCRM account. Your options are:
  • Set Next Action: Add text and date to your Next Action (ASAP, tomorrow, or Today). If you don't want to add a Next Action, leave this field blank.
  • Team member: Assign the newly created contact to one of your team members by selecting them from the users' list, this is not optional. 
  • You can choose for the user to receive a Notification email for any new submission. Mark the checkbox Notification email to enable email notifications to your team member for each new form submission.
  • Set lead source: Select one from the list, if needed.
  • Set status: Select from the list, this is not optional. 
  • Apply tags: Type the tag you want to add or use the arrow to select it from the list if needed.
Click Save & Next to move to the next and final step.
Click Back to go back to the previous step. 

Embed your Web Form

Choose how you want to share your web form. There are two different ways to share your web form:
  1.  You can copy the web form’s URL address. The URL is automatically generated and it leads to a separate web page where the web form is hosted. Anyone with the link can visit and complete the web form. You can add this link to an email, comment, message, or anywhere else you require.
  2. You can copy the code, embed it straight into your website, and let visitors fill in the form without leaving your website. The code is automatically generated. You just need to grab the code and add it to the HTML of the web page where you want the web form to be displayed.

You can click on the copy icon to copy the URL or the embed code.

Finish or click Back to go back to the previous step.
Additionally, you can toggle the option for Accepting responses off. It will keep the web form unpublished allowing you to save and publish it later.
Also, if you can't finish creating the web form in one go, you can click on the  Exit Web Form Builder icon in the top-right corner at any stage. It will take you back to the web forms Configuration screen. 


  • If you exit web form edit mode by clicking on the Exit Web Form Builder icon, all unsaved actions will be discarded.

Access your saved Web Forms

Once you've built and saved your web forms you'll be able to access them on the web forms Configuration page. Here you'll be able to:

  • See how many submissions you've received. If you've received at least 1 submission, you'll be able to click through the number to access the submissions. 

    Note: If you delete any contact submitted from a web form, the number of contacts submitted does not change, however, when you click through to view these contacts the deleted contacts will not be visible.

  • Check if notification emails to the user are enabled. If enabled you'll see a checkmark under the bell icon, if not, you'll see an X icon.
  • View, edit, clone, or delete your web form using the eye, pencil, clone, and bin icons.


  • The Web forms feature is not available on the Legacy plan
  • If you are on the Professional plan you can create up to 3 web forms. There is no limit to the number of web forms you can create if you are on the Business plan. For more information on our pricing, see here.

Publish/Unpublish saved Web Form

You can unpublish any saved web forms to stop receiving submissions from them. Access your saved web forms from the web forms Configuration page and just toggle off the slider for those you wish to unpublish.

Once you are ready to receive the submissions again or if you have selected  Accepting responses off while creating a web form, you can publish it by toggling the slider on.

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