Contact Page Preferences

The Contact page preferences allow you to shape your daily experience in OnePageCRM for your contact profiles and notifications.

To set your Contact page preferences from within your OnePageCRM account, click on your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → SettingsPreferences tab. → scroll down to Contact page preferences.

Settings page l Preferences tab

Show all Contact & Organization fields

On the Settings page under the Contact page preferences scroll down to Show all Contact & Organization fields → toggle the slider to enable or disable the feature.

Settings page l Contact Page Preferences l Show all Contact & Organization fields toggle

Note: Please use this setting wisely. If you have a lot of Custom Fields, having this switched on will push the Next Action area further down the page.

Enable/Disable Status label sync and/or Tags sync

On the Settings page under the Contact page preferences scroll down to For multiple contacts in the same organization: → toggle the slider to enable or disable the feature.

You can select to sync by default for multple contacts within the same organization:

  • Sync Statuses by default - All contacts under the same organization will have the same status. If the status of any of these contacts is changed, then all other contacts across the organization will too.
  • Sync Tags by default - All contacts under the same organization will have the same tags. If a tag is added or removed from any of these contacts, then it will update for all other contacts across the organization too.

Settings page l Contact Page Preferences l Set default for Status label sync and Tags sync toggles


  • Only the Account owner or Administrators can enable/disable the sync for Statuses or tags.
  • This update will be visible to all users within the same CRM account.
  • Changing either of these settings will only take effect going forward for new organizations and will not sync or un-sync the status label or tags for existing organizations.
    • See here how to change the Status label sync for multiple organizations in bulk.
    • See here how to change the Tags sync for multiple organizations in bulk.

Receive email notifications about changes in your contacts

On the Settings page under the Contact page preferences scroll down to Receive email notifications about changes in your contacts → toggle the slider to enable or disable the feature.

Settings page l Contact Page Preferences l Receive email notification about changes in your contacts toggle


  • If the slider is activated, you’ll receive email notifications each time another user adds a Note, Call, or Meeting to contacts owned by you.
  • This feature is disabled for single-user accounts.

Contact Activity Timeline

On the Settings page under the Contact page preferences scroll down to Contact Activity Timeline → toggle the slider to enable or disable the feature.

Settings page l Contact Page Preferences l Contact Activity Timeline toggle

Note: When viewing a contact profile, you can default to seeing all the activity of the contact or the notes associated with them.

Organization Activity Timeline

On the Settings page under the Contact page preferences scroll down to Organization Activity Timeline → toggle the slider to enable or disable the feature.


  • When viewing a contact profile, you can default to seeing the activity across their Organization or only the activity associated with this contact.
  • For organizations with more than 25 contacts, it defaults to the individual contact timeline.
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