Custom Fields

If you require a field in OnePageCRM that does not exist by default, you can create one as a custom field. There are 3 types of custom fields:

How to add/edit/delete Custom Fields

Add a Custom Field

Go to your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → Settings → Custom Fields tab → click + Add under either

  • Contact Fields
  • Organization Fields
  • Deal Fields
  • Settings Page l Custom Fields

    Add a Field name and select Field type for your new Custom Field → Click Save when done.

    New Custom Field

    Select a Custom Field and simply 'drag and drop' it to re-order the list of custom fields.

    Drag 'n' Drop Custom fields


    • The options for the Field Type Dropdown can be reordered by 'drag and drop' as well.

    Edit a Custom Field

    Click on the pencil icon to the right of the Custom Field you wish to edit.

    Edit Custom Field

    In the Edit Custom field box → update the required details → Click Save.

    Save Custom Field

    Delete a Custom Field

    Click on the bin icon to the right of the custom field you wish to delete.

    Delete Custom Field

    In the warning message, click Delete to confirm the deletion of the custom field.

    Delete Custom Field pop-up

    You have the option to restore a deleted Custom Field within 24 hours.

    Click Undo delete

    Undo Delete

    Custom Field Types

  • Single line text
  • Multi line text
  • Number
  • Dropdown
  • Date
  • Checkbox
  • Anniversary (Contact field only)
  • How to make Custom Fields Mandatory

    Make sure essential information is always populated into your OnePageCRM account by enabling custom fields as Mandatory.

    Plans: Business plan

    To make a Custom Field Mandatory either add a New Custom Field or edit an existing Custom Field
    Click on the dropdown and choose between:

  • Not required - not mandatory
  • For web app only - only mandatory if a contact is saved via the Browser App
  • For web and mobile app - mandatory if a contact is saved via the Browser or Mobile App
  • Click Save.

    Mandatory Custom Field

    In the contact view, your mandatory field will be displayed with an asterisk (*) to indicate this field as mandatory and the contact cannot be saved unless it is populated.

    Mandatory Custom Field l Edit contact

    • Only Administrators and the Account Owner can set custom fields as mandatory.
    • If you edit a contact and try to save it without populating the mandatory field, the custom field is highlighted with a red error box and you get the message: Please enter all the mandatory fields.
    • When creating a contact the contact's Last Name or Organization is mandatory by default.
    • You can populate data from Custom Fields also in Email Template Variables.
    • Custom Fields cannot be used in Custom Reports.
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