The OnePageCRM Lead Clipper

The OnePageCRM Lead Clipper allows you to create contacts in just one click:

  • From social media profiles
  • From your email account by Gmail and
  • Select and clip contacts from any website
  • Switch between multiple OnePageCRM accounts (without the need to log out of your browser)
  • Get browser notifications for time-specific Next Actions.

Please note: The OnePageCRM Lead Clipper is available on your Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

Install the Lead Clipper (Chrome/Microsoft Edge)

Install the Lead Clipper to Chrome

Open your OnePageCRM account in a Chrome browser.

Click on your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → All Apps and Integrations → under Lead Generation apps select Lead Clipper → click Install.

Apps and Integration page l Lead Clipper under Lead Generation Apps.

Note: Alternatively, you can find the Lead Clipper in the Chrome web store here.

You will be redirected to the Chrome web store → here select Add to Chrome.

Chrome web store l click on the blue

In the Add "OnePageCRM Lead Clipper" dialog box click Add extension.

In the Add

Find the browser extension in the toolbar of your Chrome browser by clicking on the puzzle icon at the top.

Click on it to sign in to your OnePageCRM account.

Select the puzzle icon at the top of your browser window and click on the OnePageCRM Lead Clipper browser extension.

Note: For easy access, you can pin the Lead Clipper to your browser by selecting the pin icon.

Select the puzzle icon at the top of your browser window and click on the pin icon to the right of it.

The following fields can be clipped if available:

  • Profile picture
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Job title
  • Organization Name
  • Phone numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Social media links/ website URLs

Install the Lead Clipper to Microsoft Edge

Open your OnePageCRM account in a Microsoft Edge browser.

Click on your User/Profile icon (top right-hand corner) → All Apps and Integrations → under Lead Generation apps select Lead Clipper → click Install.

Apps and Integration page l Lead Clipper under Lead Generation Apps.

Note: Alternatively, you can find the Lead Clipper in the Microsoft Add-ons here.

You will be redirected to the Microsoft Add-onspage → here select Get.

Microsoft Add-ons l click on the blue

In the Add "OnePageCRM Lead Clipper" dialog box click Add extension.

In the Add

The browser extension will be added → click on Sign in to sync data and sign into your OnePageCRM account.

Select the blue Sign in to sync data button.

Note: For easy access, you can pin the Lead Clipper to your browser. Click on the puzzle icon at the top in the toolbar of your Microsoft Edge browser → next OnePageCRM Lead Clipper select the crossed-over eye icon.

Select the puzzle icon at the top of your browser window and click on the OnePageCRM Lead Clipper browser extension. Select the crossed over eye next OnePageCRM Lead Clipper.

The following fields can be clipped if available:

  • Profile picture
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Job title
  • Organization Name
  • Phone numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Social media links/ website URLs

Uninstall the Lead Clipper (Chrome/Microsoft Edge)

Uninstall the Lead Clipper from Chrome

Open a window in your Chrome browser → at the top of the window, click on the puzzle icon in the toolbar → next to the OnePageCRM Lead Clipper select the 3-dots menu → click Remove from Chrome.

Select the puzzle icon at the top of your browser window and click on the 3-dots menu next to OnePageCRM Lead Clipper. Select Remove from Chrome from the dropdown.

Uninstall the Lead Clipper from Microsoft Edge

Open a window in your Microsoft Edge browser → at the top of the window, click on the puzzle icon in the toolbar → next to the OnePageCRM Lead Clipper select the 3-dots menu → click Remove from Microsoft Edge.

Select the puzzle icon at the top of your browser window and click on the 3-dots menu next to OnePageCRM Lead Clipper. Select Remove from Microsoft Edge from the dropdown.

Create new contacts

Create new contacts from Social Profiles

The Lead Clipper also allows you to create contacts quickly when viewing social profiles. For example:

  • Facebook
  • Xing
  • X
  • etc.
Once the Clipper has been installed and you are logged in, open a contact profile of social media → click on the OnePageCRM logo on the top right of the browser's address bar.

X page l Social media profile

In the clipper panel, the available contact details are displayed and enhanced. You have the option to edit the contact and add/update fields.

Once completed click Save.

X page l Social media profile l Lead clipper panel on right side of the screen

To open the contact in OnePageCRM click on Open in OnePageCRM.

X page l Social media profile l Lead clipper panel on right side of the screen


  • Information that doesn't correspond to any provided field in the Lead Clipper will be added to the contact Background field.
  • If the contact already exists in OnePageCRM, you have the option to open that contact directly.
  • If you switch to another page without saving the contact and click on the extension again, the details of the contact will still show until saved.
  • When entering a phone number, please ensure that it includes the country code and has no dashes, hyphens, or parentheses included.

Create new contacts from any website

Once the Clipper has been installed and you are logged in, highlight the contact details from any website → click on the OnePageCRM logo on the top right of the browser's address bar.

Contact Us web page l Contact details highlighted

The details highlighted that correspond to a provided contact field are recognized and clipped to the Lead Clipper. You also have the option to edit the contact and add/update fields.

Once completed, click Save.

Contact Us web page l Contact details highlighted l Lead Clipper panel on the right-hand side.


  • Information that doesn't correspond to any provided field in the Lead Clipper will be added to the contact Background field.
  • If the contact already exists in OnePageCRM, you have the option to open that contact directly. The Lead Clipper looks at the email address and URL link highlighted when clipping new contact details.
  • If you switch to another page without saving the contact and click on the extension again, the details of the contact will still show until saved.
  • When entering a phone number, please ensure that it includes the country code and has no dashes, hyphens, or parentheses included.
To open the contact in OnePageCRM click on Open in OnePageCRM.

Create new contacts from emails

Once the Clipper has been installed and you are logged in, open an email from the contact you wish to add to the CRM → click on the OnePageCRM logo on the top right of the browser's address bar.

Email inbox l Email opened

In the clipper panel, the available contact details are displayed and enhanced. You have the option to edit the contact and add/update fields.

Once completed click Save.

Email inbox l Email opened l Lead Clipper panel on right-hand side

To open the contact in OnePageCRM click on Open in OnePageCRM.

Email inbox l Email opened l Lead Clipper panel on right-hand side


  • Information that doesn't correspond to any provided field in the Lead Clipper will be added to the contact Background field.
  • If the contact already exists in OnePageCRM, you have the option to open that contact directly.
  • If you switch to another page without saving the contact and click on the extension again, the details of the contact will still show until saved.
  • When entering a phone number, please ensure that it includes the country code and has no dashes, hyphens, or parentheses included.

Note: If you connected your Gmail account to OnePageCRM with Send and Save manually, you can easily save emails directly from your Gmail inbox to OnePageCRM.

Once the contact has been saved in the CRM → click on Save Email.

Email inbox l Email opened l Orange

Switch between multiple accounts

Once the Clipper has been installed → open the OnePageCRM webpage → click on the OnePageCRM logo on the top right of the browser's address bar → sign in to OnePageCRM.

OnePageCRM web site l Lead Clipper panel on the right-hand side l log into OnePageCRM

Note: In case you originally signed up with Google to OnePageCRM, you need to create a password for the CRM account first.

To do this, log in to your OnePageCRM account and go to your User/Profile icon → Users, Plans and Billing → Users tab → Click on your profile and then Create a password, click here for all the details.

Click on + Add Account add another company.

OnePageCRM web site l Lead Clipper panel on the right-hand side l Add account

In order to switch between the accounts open the OnePageCRM webpage → click on the OnePageCRM logo on the top right of the browser's address bar → click on the account you wish to switch to.

OnePageCRM web site l Lead Clipper panel on the right-hand side l select user profile

Note: You can rename the accounts in the Lead Clipper.

OnePageCRM web site l Lead Clipper panel on the right-hand side l rename user profile in Lead clipper extension

Note: If you want to create contacts from your email Inbox, webpages, or social media profiles, etc., you can choose which account to create these contacts in.

OnePageCRM web site l Lead Clipper panel on the right-hand side l Select User profile


  • There are no limits to the number of accounts you can add.
  • The account listed on top will be the account that you're viewing on screen. 
  • If you sign out of your OnePageCRM account on the app, this will not sign you out of this account on the Account Switcher. They are both independent of each other. 

Get browser notifications for time-specific Next Actions (Chrome only)

Ensure the Clipper has been installed and you are using a Chrome browser.
If you have set a Next Action set with a time, the extension will display a pop-up to show you when a Next Action is due.

Lead Clipper Chrome extension l Notification pop-up in the bottom right corner of the main screen of your desktop.


  • To set a Next Action with time, see here.
  • The pop-up notification will only be displayed for a few seconds.
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