How to Pin files to a contact

Find important documents and files you've attached quickly by pinning them to your contacts. Once you do, they will be prominently displayed above your contacts' Activity timeline. You can also access all pinned files from contacts in the same organization under the Organization View.

In this article, find out how to:
Pin a file to a contact
Pin a file to a contact from the Organization view
How to unpin a file

How to pin file to a contact

Go to the contact's activity timeline → hover over the file you want to pin → click on the pin icon.

The pinned file will now be shown above the Activity timeline in the Organization view.

Note: If you pin more than 3 files, click on Show all to view all pinned files.

How to pin a file to a contact from the Organization Activity timeline

Go to the Activity timeline of the Organization → hover over the file you want to pin → click on the pin icon.

The pinned file will now be shown above the Activity timeline in the Organization view.

Note: Any file pinned from the Activity timeline of an Organization will also be pinned to the contact the file is associated with.

How to unpin a file

Go to the Organization view or Contact view were the files are pinned above the Activity timeline → click on the pin icon.

Your file will be unpinned from the Contact and Organization view.

Note: Files are not deleted when they're unpinned and can be found in the note/call/deals sections in the Activity timeline. 
  • You can pin any file attached to a call, note or deal.
  • You cannot pin files attached to emails.
  • You cannot pin files to organizations. However, if you pin a file to a contact that is part of an organization, the file will also be pinned in the Account view. 
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