How to use Focus mode
The Focus mode allows you to customize your Action Stream so you can stay focused on the tasks at hand for any given day.
How to enable Focus Mode
To enable and customize click on the Focus Mode icon at the top right-hand side of your Action Stream Page.
This will open the dropdown menu and display the following options to choose from:
Hide contacts with a Closed sales cycle (Recommended On) - Turned on by default
Hide contacts without a Next Action
Show X-dropdown upcoming contacts (after today's)
Hide contacts with an overdue Next Action
Apply a saved filter (dropdown)

- The green dot on the Focus Mode icon indicates that the Focus Mode is enabled.
- The Focus Mode will only customize your Action Stream.
- The Focus Mode is a direct replacement of the upcoming Action Stream list.
Hide contacts without a Next Action
Easily hide contacts that do not have any actions associated with them. Your Action Stream will only display contacts with actions when Focus Mode is enabled.
Click on the Focus Mode icon → toggle the slider to green next to Hide contacts without a Next Action → click Apply.

Show upcoming contacts
You have the option to display only a certain number of upcoming contacts or specify the number of days for upcoming contacts.
Show X upcoming contacts (after today's):
5 / 10 / 20
1 day of / 3 days of / 1 week of
Click on the Focus Mode icon → toggle the slider to green next to Show (X-dropdown) upcoming contacts (after today's) → select a timeframe from the dropdown → click Apply.

Hide contacts with overdue actions
Hide those contacts with actions that are overdue so you can focus on the actions that are due today or the immediate future.
Click on the Focus Mode icon → toggle the slider to green next to Hide contacts with an overdue Next Action → click Apply.

- This setting will be automatically disabled after midnight and is indicated by a red half-moon.
Apply a saved filter
If you have Saved Filters set up, you can easily customize your Focus Mode to display only contacts that match this filter.
Click on the Focus Mode icon → toggle the slider to green next to Apply a saved filter → select a Saved Filter from the dropdown → click Apply.

- This setting will be automatically disabled after midnight.
- When the "Apply a saved filter" is enabled, the other options will be disabled automatically and cannot be enabled additionally.