Bulk updates
To update multiple contacts or organizations at one time you can perform bulk updates within the CRM. These updates can be completed from any list view within the CRM, (e.g. Action Stream, Contacts page, Activity page, predefined filters, or customized filters).
In this article: | ||
Perform a bulk updates | Overview of bulk updates | Why some of the contacts selected in bulk are not updated? |
Perform a bulk updates
Note: If you have more contacts than the default number of contacts loaded in your settings, and you want to bulk update all of them, you can do so by clicking on the Select: all # contacts in filter link in the text that appears at the bottom of bulk update menu.
Notes: A list view is available from the Action Stream, Contacts page, Activity page, predefined filters, or customized filters.
Note: The Last activity filter in the Advanced search will not record bulk updates applied to contacts.
Overview of bulk updates
Bulk updates
Note: Subusers need to be given permission to perform some of these bulk updates:
- Send emails
- Change the contact owner
- Delete contacts
- Quick export
Advanced bulk updates
Note: Subusers need to be given permission to perform some of these bulk updates:
- Enable Status label sync
- Enable Tags sync
Why some of the contacts selected in bulk are not updated?
After using Bulk updates to modify multiple contacts, sometimes the number of contacts updated differs from the number of contacts selected and you get a notification: e.g. 1 contacts updated from 6 selected. Why?
This happens in the following scenarios:
Bulk updates
Date - Reschedule feature
- When changing the date of a Next Action:
- Only contacts with an existing Next Action that is assigned to the user performing the update will be updated.
- Contacts with Next Actions assigned to other team members will not be updated.
E.g. Jane Doe has the Status label Lead already assigned and is selected in bulk to be updated to a Lead Status label, her Status label will not be updated.
E.g. Jane Doe has the Tag VIP already assigned and is selected in bulk to be updated with a VIP Tag, the Tag will not be applied to her.
Advanced bulk updates
Lead source
E.g. Jane Doe has the Lead source Referral already assigned and is selected in bulk to be updated to a Referral Lead source, her Lead source will not updated.
Contact address
Organization address
Sync Status
- The contact will not be updated and the sync will not be enabled:
- If the sync for the Status label is already enabled for the organization.
- If there is only 1 contact within the organization
Sync Tags
- The contact will not be updated and the sync will not be enabled:
- If the sync for the Tags is already enabled for the organization.
- If there is only 1 contact within the organization