How to use Queued Actions

Queued actions are a great way to add action reminders to a contact. They are used when you already have a Next Action assigned to a contact. Add your most urgent action as a Next Action and the rest as queued actions so you don't miss out on following up. Then when you complete or delete a Next Action you have the option to promote your queued Actions as Next Actions. 

In this article
Create a Queued action Mark a Queued Action Complete
Create a Queued action using Saved Actions Promote a Queued Action
Edit/Delete a Queued Action

Create a Queued action

Open a contact with a Next Action and select the blue plus icon.

Enter the action's details in the Add Action box.
You can choose to assign a queued action to yourself or to another user on the account by selecting their name from the drop down.
The action is set as Queued (without a date) by default. You can set a date by clicking on the date flag.

Queued actions will appear below the Next Action box.

Create a Queued Action using Saved Actions

Click on the Saved Actions icon to the left of the Next Action box.

In the Saved Actions pop-up, select multiple actions or a group of actions → click Insert

Insert Undated Saved Actions

The first Saved Action in your list will appear as a Next Action and the remainder will appear as Queued Actions

Mark a Queued Action complete

In the Contact View, click the checkbox beside a Queued Action to mark it complete.

Completed Queued actions can be seen in the Activity timeline.

Completed Queued Action in the Timeline

Promote a Queued Action

When you have completed a Next Action and have Queued actions set up, you can promote one Queued action to become the Next Action that will appear in your Action Stream as a reminder.

Open the contact from the Action Stream or Contacts page.
Mark the existing Next Action complete by clicking on the box to the left.
Hover over the Queued Action you wish to promote and click the Next button to the left.

The Queued Action will move up to the Next Action box and you can do the following:
  • Edit the Next Action text
  • Assign a specific date, ASAP or Waiting For status
  • Assign to a team member
Click Save.

Edit/Delete a Queued Action

In the Contact View, hover over the Queued Action text to display the bin and pencil icons.
  • Click on the bin icon to delete Queued Action.
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit Queued Action.
  • Note: To restore this Queued Action click on Undo in the yellow message at the top of your page.
    If you do not select Undo and instead navigate away from the Queued Action cannot be restored.

    • Contacts with the Next Actions assigned to you will only appear in your Action Stream. See here for more on the Action Stream.
    • Once you've marked a Next Action complete, you must choose to promote a queued action or an action with a date as a Next Action to allow it to be visible in the Action Stream.
    • The date for promoted Queued Action is set to Today by default.
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