Pipeline: Weighted & Unweighted

In the Pipeline you can decide how you want to view the Pipeline values. You can view Weighted or Unweighted values based on your preference. The weighted value of your Pipeline is the value of your deal based on what stage it's at, while the unweighted value is the full deal amount regardless of the deal stage.

In this article:
Set your Pipeline value to Weighted or Unweighted
Weighted Pipeline values
Unweighted Pipeline values

Set your Pipeline value to Weighted or Unweighted

1. Go to Pipeline → Pipeline values.

2. Select Weighted or Unweighted.

Weighted Pipeline values

The Weighted Pipeline value is based on the percentage value of deals in each stage. For example if the full amount of a deal is $1000, and you have weighted selected, then it will show at 50% of the deal which is $500. 

Unweighted Pipeline values

The unweighted Pipeline value will display the full amount of the deal regardless of what stage it's at. For example if the full amount of the deal is $1000, and you have unweighted selected and the deal is at 50%, then the value will still be displayed at $1,000.

  • You can also set the Pipeline values to display the Deal amount or Commission of each deal.

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